(Long Distance) Ramblings

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Latest

My home server suffered a hardware failure in December 2010. While I made some tough decisions as to how to recover, my web site and blog were down for nearly a month.

The first tough decision was to move my web site to a hosting service. I have been running my own server at home for a very long time, since 1995. Yes, over fifteen years. Making the decision to use a hosting service was difficult, but the advantages were too numerous to outweigh the monetary expense.

Due to the hardware failure, I lost all my blog entries between 5/1/10 and 1/1/11. Thankfully, I managed to recover the vast majority of my web site from my backups. However, I did lose the MySQL databases and data. That is why many portions of this blog look empty. Once, there was something in the empty spots, usually ride data from my online ride database.

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